Saturday, August 15, 2009

Weekend To-Do List

  • Secret item 1 2 3
  • Organize secret gatherings 1 2
  • Vacuum, mop, sweep
  • Tinker with B&W conversion of dock picture
  • E-mail Pentax about lens/camera
  • Move microwave
  • Tune up bike
  • Trim/move avocado
  • Organize wedding photos a bit
  • Organize trip photos
  • Blog a few pics from the digital
  • Do laundry (Erin did it)
  • Mow lawn
  • Go to grocery
  • Back up blog?
  • Back up other cloud stuff?
  • Clean out e-mail
  • Finalize Erin's back-up scheme
  • Clean out Google Reader
  • Go furniture shopping
  • Re-pot poinsettia (Erin did it)

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